
Attic Mold Removal Toronto

Attic Mold Removal Toronto

One of the most demanded services in the restoration industry is mold removal. Homeowners do not check their attic often, leading to increase chances of molding. If there are any cracks or damages to your roof, water will accumulate. When this occurs, the moisture in the attic stems into molding. If ignored, the structural framing of your home can deteriorate. To prevent this from happening, contact us today.

Attic Mold Removal Toronto

Where is Mold Most Prevalent?

Commercial Buildings

The larger the building, the better chance stuff like molding goes unnoticed. When you don't have an annual inspector, unwanted surprises occur. If you notice any areas of your commercial building molding, contact us. We have the proper equipment needed to restore your property.

Home Attic

Again, the home attic often is not a top priority of many homeowners. It is primarily used as a storage area that doesn't experience much foot traffic. Because of this, issues occurring up there aren't always nipped in the bud right away. If you are worried about attic problems, let us do a full home inspection.


Whether it's commercial or residential, bathrooms need a lot of attention and care. Water and moisture are the root cause of molding. Any water that does not evaporate can accumulate and lead to issues. Not only does this result in molding, but water damages framing and other areas.


The origin of a lot of attic molding is in the roof. Any penetration spots or holes in the roof invite water to the home. Any roof imperfections can have long-term damage to your home. Depending on the entry hole, animals also can nest in these areas, further damaging the attic.

Attic Mold Removal Toronto

Attic Mold Cleanup

Professionals in the molding industry bring a lot more to the table than one might think. Our employees all wear the proper gear needed to disinfect and restore any area of your property. Full restoration services leave your building feeling and looking clean. We have an extensive process that ensures the results exceed your expectations. Do not let this issue progress, call us right away. Not only does our team handle residential work, but commercial buildings is an area of focus.

Mold in Attic Services

Mold in attic services refer to the professional removal, remediation, and prevention of mold growth in attics. These services are beneficial as mold growth can cause a range of health problems, structural damage, and odours. Professional mold removal services prevent further spreading and reoccurring. It is important to periodically check the attic in case unwanted substances grow. If you notice any imperfections, it’s best to be proactive and call us before things get worse. We handle all sorts of mold removal requests, call us for a free quote!

What is the Cost of Attic Mold Removal?

One of the primary concerns for homeowners when dealing with mold in the attic is the cost of removal. The cost of attic mold removal in Toronto can vary depending on certain factors. Often, it’s influenced by the severity of the mold infestation, the size of the attic, and the complexity of the removal process. On average, the cost of professional mold removal in Toronto can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.


The cost of attic mold removal includes the following factors:


Mold Assessment: A professional mold assessment may be required to identify the type and extent of the mold growth in your attic. This can involve visual inspection, air quality testing, and moisture testing. The cost of mold assessment can range from a few hundred dollars depending on the complexity of the assessment.

Mold Remediation: The actual process of removing mold from the attic involves several steps. These include containment of the affected area, removal of mold-infested materials, cleaning and disinfection of the area. The cost of mold remediation is usually a few thousand dollars.

Repairs and Restoration: After removed, repairs may be needed where the mold was present. This is for restoration purposes so the property is back to its original form. This may include replacing insulation, drywall, or plywood damaged by mold. The cost of repairs and restoration can vary depending on the extent of the damage and the materials needed for repairs.

It’s important to note that the cost of attic mold removal may not be covered by insurance. Some insurance policies may exclude mold-related damage. It’s encouraged that you check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage. Seek professional advice determine the most cost-effective approach for attic mold removal.

how to remove mold from attic plywood

How to Remove Mold From Attic Plywood?

Attic plywood is a common material that can be susceptible to mold growth if there is moisture intrusion. Mold growth on plywood can weaken the material and cause it to rot over time, compromising the structural integrity of your attic. If you suspect mold growth on your attic plywood, it’s important to take immediate action to remove it. Here are some steps to remove mold from attic plywood:

What's the Importance of Removing Plywood Mold?

Industry Standard Gear: Mold removal can release into the air, which can be harmful when inhaled. Before starting the mold removal process, it’s essential to wear proper protective gear. Some common equipment include a respirator, gloves, goggles, and disposable coveralls. All are to protect yourself from exposure to mold spores.

Block Off Area: To prevent the spread of mold spores to other areas of your home, it’s important to contain the area. Close all doors and windows leading to the attic and seal them with plastic sheets or tape. Use plastic sheeting to cover the floor and create a containment barrier around the area.

Handle Mold-Infected Material: Using a scraper or a stiff brush, remove the mold growth from the plywood surface. Be careful not to damage the plywood or spread mold spores into the air. Dispose of the mold-infested materials in heavy-duty plastic bags, and dispose of them following regulations.

Sanitize the Area: Once the mold has been removed, use a HEPA vacuum cleaner to clean the area. Make sure to include the plywood surface, surrounding materials, and any dust or debris. Use a mild detergent and water solution to clean the plywood surface. Ensure to use structural drying to completely prevent future mold growth.

Resolve the Problem: It’s crucial to identify and fix the underlying cause of mold growth on the attic plywood. This may involve addressing issues such as roof leaks, improper ventilation, or moisture in the attic. Fixing the underlying issue will help to ensure that the mold does not return in the future.

It’s important to note that removing mold from attic plywood can be a challenging hazardous task. If you are not confident in your ability to remove mold from attic plywood, it’s best to seek professional help. Contact a reputable mold remediation company in Toronto to ensure that the job is done well.

How to Remove Attic Mold Yourself?

How to Remove Attic Mold Yourself?

DIY mold removal jobs are not encouraged, especially depending on the situation. It’s recommended to seek professional help for attic mold removal to ensure safety and effectiveness. Yet, some minor mold growth in small areas may be possible to remove yourself, following proper precautions. If you are looking for tips on mold removal, see the mold removal tips here. Additionally, we provided our own steps to remove attic mold yourself:

What are Some DIY Mold Removal Tips?

Proper Clothing and Gear: Mold spores can cause respiratory issues and skin irritation. It’s essential to wear protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and a mask when working with mold. Choose a mask with a high-efficiency particulate air filter to filter out mold spores.

Block Off Location: Before starting mold removal, it’s important to contain the affected area. This is to prevent family members, workers, or peers to be exposed to the chemicals. Use plastic sheets to seal off the area and use a fan to create negative pressure to direct air outside.

Remove Moldy Materials: Remove any moldy materials, such as insulation or plywood, that are beyond cleaning. Seal them in plastic bags before disposing of them to prevent further contamination. Look up local mold disposal regulations to ensure you are doing it well.

Do a Good Job Cleaning: Use a HEPA vacuum and damp cloths to clean all surfaces in the affected area. Avoid dry brushing or sweeping, as it can release mold spores into the air. Clean and dry the area completely to discourage further mold growth.

Prevent Any Moisture: Identify and address the underlying moisture issue that caused the mold growth in the first place. Repair leaks, improve ventilation, and reduce humidity levels to prevent mold from returning. If unaware how to do home repairs, click here for pointers.

Ventilation: During and after the mold removal process, ensure proper ventilation in the attic. Do not let the chemicals spread throughout the property. Use fans and open windows to allow fresh air to circulate and aid in drying.

Keep an Eye Out: Regularly inspect your attic for any signs of mold growth after the removal process. If mold it may mean underlying moisture issues that need to be addressed.

Consider Consulting with Professionals: If you are unsure about the extent of the mold growth or the proper removal techniques, it’s best to consult with a professional mold remediation company. They have the expertise and equipment to ensure thorough and effective mold removal. Or visit the Government of Canada Mold Guidelines Website.

Looking for Mold Removal in Toronto?

Schedule an estimate to learn more about our services.